
Hyd House Hunting Sucks!

As a prelude to the not-yet-aware-of-this-development readers. I recently hopped my company and this forced me to change my town too. I was earlier in Bangalore, India and now I am in Hyd, India. And, this is about my house-hunt in Hyd. Read on....

      "Hyd?!! Amazing dude. A very cheap place compared to Bangalore. You will get a 1BHK for a very reasonable rates.", commented 1 guy working for a very big MNC with a $ attached to its name.
      "Fantastic! Its the right break through man. You can start saving a lot in Hyd. A very cheap cost of living. Savings start right from you house-rents.", convinced 1 more guy working for an very big Indian firm & placed in Bombay.
Can these two arsehole come in front me now?? I wanna give a square kick on their butts!!!

Yep. I am pissed off. Bordering around frustration. What crap are these prices? The rent-rates are mind-boggling. Freak!

Lemme give some examples...
Example 1: Imagine a small 1BHK in an stupid area with buffallos all around & no flooring. Cupboards? Sorry the owner is not aware of such architectural advancements; when he constructed the house way back in June 2006, such entities like cupboards, shower, geyser did not exists.
"Area is very good. You can get fresh milk near by" said the owner. **directly from the buffalloes udder, i suppose**
"You have parking facility for you bike", he goes. **do you think the buffalloes will accept an intruder - my bike - in their yard?**
"The rent is also @ a reasonable rate. Rs 6000/month only" he qouted. **What the F!!**
My face also said the same I suppose, for he tried to reason out saying "Saar, very close to Hitec City, Saar." **So? Do humans live here?** I walked out & realized I should'nt have walked in the first place.

For the benefit of the ppl, who are not aware of Indian scenario (are there any who will be reading my blog?), here is a gist:
1. 1BHK means 1-Bedroom-Hall-Kitchen. Yes it does not talk about restrooms but we expect the architects to be sensible.
2. Most of the houses are not-furnished. Actually some of them are under-furnished, as in there will not even be shelves. Only plain 4 walls make a room.
3. 1BHK + unfurnished + 350-400 sqft of carpet area is, under normal circumstances, should be about 2-3K/month only!

Example 2: The broker took me to another place, which in his words is "a very good peaceful place saar." **yeah, i chose that color specifically for his words bcoz all these idiots (read as brokers) spoke in flowery-flowery words** He sat behind on my bike & we started our journey. "just here saar" after few minutes of ride "just little ahead saar" and after few more minutes, the road ended and I obviously stopped. "y did you stop saar? just a little further, saar." **where the hell is the road?** And then I saw a faint mud-path which a few 1000s years ago neantherdal man treaded upon. I went ahead with his directions, which was nothing more than "just here saar" After few more minutes of bumpy ride on a road-less road, suddenly "saar, stop saar. this is the house saar." **...er....uh....where is it?** I should have backed out the minute he said peaceful. Dumb me! And the house, dont even wanna think about it. It stinks! Literally. A small rabbit-hole & guess what? "Rent is a reasonable 6K only!!" **is it rule to put reasonable before 6K always? and is that gonna convince me to take the fuck-all house??!**

I can continue with such examples for ever. But no point. The gist, is Hyd sucks!!. With my house-hunt this is the info I have gathered, if this is gonna be of some use to somebody I will be glad.

Avgerage Rent Rates:
       1. Central Hyd: **less than 10km from HiTec City**
                     1BHK - 6K - 10K; 2BHK - 8K - 12; 3BHK - 12K - 25K
       2. West Hyd: **less than 10km from HiTec City**
                     1BHK - 6K - 8K; 2BHK - 8K - 11; 3BHK - 10K - 20K
       3. East Hyd: **more than 15km from HiTec City**
                     1BHK - 3K - 5K; 2BHK - 5K - 8K; 3BHK - 7K - 15K
       4. Outside Hyd: **otherside of HiTec City**
                     1BHK - 6K - 10K; 2BHK - 8K - 12; 3BHK - 12K - 20K

This post is to warn other bakras like me to think twice before you come to hyd. The attitude of the owners here is very bad. This the statement, which shocked me & my aunt (who is helping me), "Saar for no reason the owners are chasing the old tenants and renting it out for new tenants for double the rent saar"

Can those two arsehole come in front me now??
I wanna give a square kick on their butts!!!

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Anonymous said...

Hey RP....

Its just a matter of time before u get your dream house. Relax and keep the search on..

This is the best part of the house hunt.

RP said...

thanks buddy. i hope your words come true. if not, better watch out. :-)

Jagan said...

Rp, thathu's curse is chasing you even in Hyderabad.