
A Beautiful Proporsal

There are loads to write after my previous post. Zillion things have happened after my Goa trip. I can fill up this post on that but I dont want to. This is come-back post is for a different reason.

I have an habit of opening my orkut account when I begin my day. I check my message & reply to my scraps. I also visit other profiles who had visited mine. Today I came across a profile that came with the name Sindu. I went through her profile and was surprised to find this beautiful poem in her profile. I took a sudden liking to this and thought I should share it with you all. Without much crap from me, here it comes....


When I saw your name next to mine,
In our wedding card,
I felt blessed.

When I saw you smile,
Seeing me in the traditional bride groom dress,
I felt teased.

When I held your hand,
During the marriage rituals,
I felt responsible.

When you entered my lonely bachelor life,
And changed it into a heavenly abode,
I felt lucky.

When you showed the same love as I did,
Towards my parents,
I felt proud.

When you scolded me,
For neglecting my heath amidst my hectic work,
I felt pampered.

When I saw you scream,
Crying out of labor pains,
I felt helpless.

When I saw tears of happiness in your eyes,
As you looked at our kid,
I felt blessed once again.

All these feeling have bloomed in my heart,
But are yet to blossom in reality.
As these are feelings I long to feel,
For these are still unfelt.

When will you marry me?

go to main page


Chax said...

so when will you ? ;)

saka said...

How I wish u posted this b4 ?
Its ok. I will try using this sometime!!!!


Dhivya said...

Wonderful poem. Its a little too late to comment but its better late than never. How i so wish i knew this blogger earlier:) These poems would have come in handy ;)