The just gone past weekend was possibly the most awful weekend I ever spent. How else can I classify a key bunch loss + soaking rain + late for Bde party + oversleeping + snooker series loss???
**Friday**Friday eve, aft ofc hours, I was requested by my colleague/close friend to drop her on my way home.
I, obviously, agreed and while driving down, GOD decided to bless us. He showered down his blessing! Literally!!! Mid-way thro' we got almost wet! I dont mind getting wet; on the contrary, I love to get wet. But this gal is a very sick-prone gal; esp flu seem to have taken a gr8 liking to this gal. When flu gets tired of attackin others, it takes rest in our gal! And, when GOD decides to open up, I was taking her for a ride back home!!
Amazing timing! With this history behind her, I was extremely concerned about the effect rain would have on her. If she was ever affected I would not have forgiven my ownself. Fortunately, nothin happened. Thank God!!!
And after I dropped her, I decided to stay @ my friends place, which is about 7-8kms from my home. I chose to pedal down. So after drying myself up I took my bike & pedaled down. Fortunately, rain had stopped. Again, Thank God!!!
**Saturday**I woke up late and missed my cricket nets practise. I was irritated on myself. I am not of the kind who like to miss playing esp if it means representing my corporate. But, I did miss my practise this time.
I was not enjoying the way day began. Actually, the way the
weekend began! Reluctantly, I decided to go ahead with rest of my plan for the day. I was getting ready and guess what? I was not able to trace my key-bunch. Entire key-bunch! Holy freaking Christ!!! I searched for hours but in vain.I, ruefully, recollected that this key-bunch is my access to every possesion of mine.
This bunch contains key to my mobike, my bike, my house key! Damn God! I, without any other choice, decided to remake them. First & the foremost being my mobike key. I dont have the spare; bcoz the bank from where I took a loan to purchase would not give me the spare till I clear the loan.
Interestingly, they were not even interested in giving the key even to make a duplicate! So much for the loan!!! Anyways, I went to a locksmith and made a key for myself. This damn key costed me no small amount. Damn it!
Then comes the best part! This key-making process including searching for it consumed the whole of the morning and half of the afternoon.
Grrrr..... I had not touched even a piece of bread from the time I woke up! I had a very very late lunch by any standard. And realized that I had to be a event manager for my colleagues' daughter's bday party!!!
I was supposed to be there by 4pm & time now is 4:30pm!!! Also I am still at my friends place! Wow! I was getting repeated calls from my colleague. I rushed up to my place. And, again, GOD wanted to bless me. Another shower! A mighty one! And the poor me was pedalling down on my bike!! Do I need to say more?? Well, I got obviously wet; actually, soaked! I reach home and find that
inspite of a jerkin I am wet till the second layer of my skin. This also means that my mobile is wet! Holy Freak! I hurriedly get dressed & go to the party. Just to realize that party is over and I was supposed to be the emcee!! Wow! Just had a piece of cake! And almost ran out...
**Sunday**Again, I overslept!!! Oh freak no!! Repeated the same mistake within 24hrs! Not that I dont repeat my mistakes but within 24hrs is a bit too much. So lazily I got up and went ahead with nothing to do. I went to the next and same result! Amazing.
Then I suddenly realized I needed a hair conditioner and I went to the nearest super-market to purchase the specific brand. As my fate would have it, it was not available! Another day of ill-luck, i suppose! After this I suddenly get a call from my friend to meet her immediately. I rush just to find that it is nothing more than a chat. By the time the chat got over the time was 4pm and I, again, had not had anything more than a sip of coffee. Kewl! I was damn hungry.
I went to my friends place and grabbed some junk food, generously provided by his sister. Then we both decided to go for a game of pool. I am not a pro but definitely not very bad either. Compared to him I am not all that bad either. But, nothing surprising, I lost 3 games straight in a "game-for-5".... So apparently my lady luck was following me keenly.
Not planning to test "lady ill-lucks" capacity I went back home & straight hit the sack.Did anybody experience such a lovely weekend ever??If so please ping me, I need a shoulder to cry on! :-(
That was fun to read ..... so Now you have duplicate keys for all the set of keys u lost or Not ????
LOL, you should have stayed home that weekend. Sounds worse than what I've been through :-P
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